domingo, 18 de março de 2012
Child hearing test - Audiology at the University of Canterbury
Demonstration of a child audiometric assessment (hearing test) carried out at the Speech and Hearing Clinic of the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. For information about becoming an Audiologist, see
Adult hearing test - Audiology at the University of Canterbury
Demonstration of an adult audiometric assessment (hearing test) carried out at the Speech and Hearing Clinic of the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. For information about becoming an Audiologist, see
Set your volume to regular settings, as if you were watching any YouTube movie. Watch Hearing Test and listen very carefully using headphones. The video displays audio frequencies that are being played. You can determine what you can or what you cannot hear. Typically, depending on age, audible frequencies will be between 20-30 Hertz on the low side of the audio spectrum, and 10-16 kiloHertz on the high side of the audio spectrum. There are individuals, however, who can can hear the whole spectrum between 16 Hz (Hertz) and 20 kHz (kiloHertz). Because of the encoding used during the audio preparation, tests above 18 kHz are not very reliable.
Please make sure that you do not increase the volume just to see if you can hear anything!
Please make sure that you do not increase the volume just to see if you can hear anything!
Never fail to see a specialist, only doctors with special training in the area can ensure that you get the right treatment without you having to resort to falseespcialistas, which in fact are only sellers hearing aids, these devices have saidthat as a previous post, are not of great utility, they are not even recommended by a physician. Remember that the shops that sails these devices, will only try to sell you a hearing aid, and you do not have to spend money with it, only follow the doctors recommendation, and you just have to buy what you really nead, the sails man is trained to sell you a device, but do not beleive him.
No matter where you live, if the U.S. or elsewhere, the population is aging and old age health problems appear, but the hearing problems can strike any age group,from infants to the elderly, therefore, what is recommended is to watch out for signs such as distraction, dizziness, lack of concentration, speech problems, ear pain,ear infections. Unfortunately can still confuse the lack of hearing in a child with some mental retardation, which is absurd, always consult your pediatrician and make audiometric testing to detect the problem as soon as possible and givequality of life to the person affected by the problem.
Hearing Problems: Hearing Brings Your World to Life
Hearing is such an engrained part of life, we often miss it entirely. It’s just there. 24/7. And so, many of us simply take our ability to hear for granted. We’ve never experienced life without it.
Talk to people who have experienced hearing loss – even mild hearing loss – and you quickly discover what hearing does for us on a daily basis. These people overcome hurdles everyday about which most of us know nothing about. Let’s take a closer look at hearing and its importance in life’s quality.
Connecting with OthersWe learn to speak by imitating the sounds we hear. Even the most eloquent speaker starts small – with “Mama” and “Dada” and other simple words. Mothers and fathers teach their children to speak by speaking to them. The children hear the sounds and imitate them.
Soon, we develop a larger vocabulary, learning new words every day. As more time passes, we learn to “hear” between the lines. We recognize, not only words, but tone. Is the speaker being sarcastic or are the sentiments expressed genuine? “Nice job, Fred” can mean “you’ve done a good job, Fred,” or it can mean just the opposite – depending on the tone used by the speaker.
There’s a direct link between your ability to hear and your ability to feel emotions. Without hearing, you’re often left out:
Emotional happiness
Isolation due to a lack of ability to hear often leads to depression, anxiety and disconnect from the rest of the world.
Studies haves shown untreated hearing loss had a direct impact on overall quality of life, everything from emotional happiness to relationship success with friends and loved ones. Treating hearing loss allows to reconnect with those around us how bring us emotional connections and happiness each and every day.
Spatial placement
The ability to hear contributes to our understanding of where we are in space. With a diminished ability to hear, we lose this ability to place ourselves in our environment.
This loss can result in losing the ability to tell where sounds are coming from – localization. Loss of localization affects our ability to understand speech in noise as well as protect ourselves in matters of danger (i.e. hearing a car coming at us).
Your ability to hear a warning bell or alarm protects you from danger. The ability to hear cars coming toward you provides enough time to get out of the way. A shout from a friend or co-worker of potential danger goes unheard and, suddenly, we’re confronted with an unexpected danger. In fact, we often hear danger before we see it.
Cognition is the ability to think, to reason and to figure out the world around us. Cognition is an important part of communication. The ability to think, to solve problems and meet challenges are diminished by hearing loss since the brain is no longer stimulated like it once was.
Studies have shown by treating hearing loss cognitive abilities stay sharp and are especially crucial for persons with condition such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Quality of Life
Imagine life without music. Imagine life without the beautiful sounds of nature – the twittering birds, the babbling brook, the rumble of thunder in the distance. Hearing well is living life to the fullest.
Listen to the world around you. Protect your hearing health today and in the future. Treat your hearing loss to ensure you don’t miss out on sounds of life.
sábado, 17 de março de 2012
Sending a very important tip, never buy hearing aids without actually need, and when I say this, I speak of the example of my wife, we spent 2400.00 euros in two devicesthat literally are useless, because even using it, continues not understand what you talk to her, unless very close to her speak slowly and clearly, the devices only amplify external sounds, but to hear the television for example, she can not understand anything of what is said, only serves to even hear it beep watch, ring,and sometimes the phone but the phone rings she does not hear well, so forgethearing aids are an unnecessary expense ...
Do not forget, this is a lie, no works even as they say ...
Portuguese discovery of biochemical Yale opens the way to catch deafness Lusa18 Feb, 2012, 10:11
team of scientists led by Yale biochemist young Portuguese Nuno
Raimundo unraveled the process of hearing loss, through genetic
manipulation of mice, paving the way for a treatment for deafness.The
discovery of the molecular mechanism that leads to deafness is narrated
in the latest issue of "Cell", one of three major international
journals alongside "Nature" and "Science", and demonstrates that
"contrary to what previously thought , hearing loss is irreversible, "the scientist told the Lusa 35.The
cells responsible for hearing "are there just are not working well, are
not dead" and can be reactivated "pharmacologically manipulating two
key proteins" within the DNA."If
[hearing loss] is not treated as years pass - this is a very common
problem, especially in people - can become irreversible. [The discovery]
opens some windows of a therapeutic agent. May eventually reduce the incidence or crash, "Lusa said the scientist, postdoc at Yale.The
study demonstrates that removal of a molecule known as "Superoxide"
prevents cell death critical to identifying a number of hearing and
other molecules which may serve as therapeutic targets.Raymond
says he will continue this line of research in the coming year, namely
"to see exactly when some cells [responsible for hearing] die, and die."There
are already drugs on the market that act on some of the proteins in
question, but have been used to treat other diseases, so Raymond
estimates that a specific treatment for this problem will "never less
than 10 years.""From
the moment we identify a protein linked to a disease until they get hit
with the right medicine, the quantities, everything takes time. One
thing is to treat mice, other people," said the scientist told Lusa.But
hearing loss "affects millions of citizens" and Raymond believes that
there are plenty interested in developing a pharmaceutical drug.Degree
in biochemistry in Lisbon, where he arrived to teach, Raymond headed to
Finland to work in genetic research and then came to the prestigious
Yale University in 2008 specifically for the design study of deafness.Its
broader goal is to study the relationship between the cell and an
essential organ of these, the mitochondria, the "batteries where it
generates the chemical energy that keeps the cells working" and whose
"fault" is linked to heart problems, liver or muscles.To
widen your search to other "mitochondrial diseases", Raymond is
planning to open his own laboratory in principle in Germany, where the
conditions of funding and research are more "generous and flexible.""I
understand how sometimes a mutation in mitochondrial DNA leads to the
development of heart problems and sometimes degeneration of the brain. I
understand why some tissues, organs of the body are more susceptible to
your own lab is also an opportunity to strengthen collaboration with
colleagues and institutions working in the same area in Portugal.Highlights
the work generally well regarded institutions such as universities of
Minho, Aveiro, the Foundation or Institute Gunbenkian Champalimaud."Little
by little there will critical mass in Portugal and there is certainly
an extraordinary level of creativity to be tapped, would put the country
on top of the map of science. But all this involves funding, which this
time is difficult," said.Raymond
highlights the "ability to overcome and adapt" the Portuguese
scientists, "especially the younger generations," a "kind of energy" who
liked to have on your future laboratory."I'm
nobody now, but as far as it is my ability, would be delighted and
happy to help those [scientists] that in difficult circumstances can do
work so worthwhile," he adds.
Step 1 - NEVER SHOUT! But so to speak so that the words sound good in the ears, eg SAUDADES, FRIENDS, THE BIBLE, LOVE ... etc ... ever so slowly and clearly ...
Step 2 - Talk looking directly at the deaf person, NEVER back or side ...
Step 3 - NEVER talk fast, have patience to talk to more moderate and deliberate ...
Step 4 - TELEPHONE, the deaf person should always tell at first that it is "DEAF", have hearing problems, and ask the other person to speak slowly and deliberately, clearly, without shouting ... and should put the phone ear in order to feel comfortable in the best position you feel you go to hear good and not out of position while talking on the phone ...
Step 5 - Avoid talking to people with strange noises around, because the deaf person needs to concentrate as much in conversation, and outside noises disturb ...
Step 2 - Talk looking directly at the deaf person, NEVER back or side ...
Step 3 - NEVER talk fast, have patience to talk to more moderate and deliberate ...
Step 4 - TELEPHONE, the deaf person should always tell at first that it is "DEAF", have hearing problems, and ask the other person to speak slowly and deliberately, clearly, without shouting ... and should put the phone ear in order to feel comfortable in the best position you feel you go to hear good and not out of position while talking on the phone ...
Step 5 - Avoid talking to people with strange noises around, because the deaf person needs to concentrate as much in conversation, and outside noises disturb ...
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